Monday, September 23, 2013

Who is "Lady Hobie"???

What a great day, 12 boats on the water at some time during the day.

Welcome Uncle Mick & Karen Kenny, who are made a spectacular entry to their warm up for the World’s Grand Masters. However it’s not good to have two blind people on one boat. It was noticed they headed off to the hazard marker off Plantation Point. Mick did say that the reach back was the best sail of the day! From their second race came the question why do the battens keep getting caught when tacking, the wind was a bit light!
Glad to see our new 18 member Daryl & Chloe out there, disappointing to hear the deck needs some repairs. See you back after Forster ready to give the other 18”s a run for their money.
Congratulations to Will’s new crew Ben who had his first experience of racing on Jervis Bay, the skipper was pleased with your performance. It must be also noted they had Mick Butler ‘s old but still new boat. Their place of 3rd and 6th is a credit to you both. Patrick you better watch out or you may lose the honor of number 1 crew.
Dobbo & Helen did let Rowen & Rowie beat them in the first race, what a gentle man you are Dobbo!
Sorry, Egbert’s first day back sailing after dropping his mast last season was not great. The new rigging needs some adjustment is the rumor going around.
Quinnie made it out for second race, which is good for the 18” fleet. Unfortunately the wind dropped. For Dobbo & Uncle Mick they both made great improvements in the second race..
Oh yes Scott had a gun crew of Ellie and Banjo, who seemed to enjoy the conditions. Which is pleasing for the young girls.
Look out for Jeremy and Rana especially Jeremy as he is the skipper at the top mark, he has been known to mark other boats. But be aware Jeremy changes sails to be inconspicuous.
They was another two stand outs on the day, Dianne & Howard, went out one up. Howard only for a jolly, but Dianne to do well with the above mentioned sticky Jib It is also noted you were a little under weight De.

Thanks to Kerry for kitchen duty and Graham with Paul on start boat duty. All had an early day.

Lady Hobie

Saturday, September 21, 2013

New sailing season kick off

What was already shaping up to be a pretty, scenic day on Jervis Bay with light E/ENE winds was further enhanced by the presence of 10 very colourful Hobie 16's (well except for 'upyazall' maybe, who's younger years could well be some time ago) and 2 Hobie 18's. Nice to see Tait and Donna on their crisp and bright looking 16, and welcome to Darryl and Sue as new members to VSC . Good to see them and also Jeremy rock up on their 18's, hopefully that sets a trend, as there'll be plenty of competition of the 16's this season in light of the upcoming Worlds.

The added value of Race Officer of the day Egbert had perhaps less to do with setting a proper race course, but more with keeping the !#$%tards honest, as on several occasions teams squeezed across the start line early.

See the race results for more details; the performance of youth team Wil & Patrick is noteworthy, they consistently sailed fast in all races, well done guys! And if Jeremy and Rana manage to sail as well down wind as they did upwind, I can see some trophies change hands at the season's conclusion. 
