Monday, October 14, 2013

Blown Away

Well, what a beautiful day Sunday 13th October. 
The best part was to welcome back James R. It was great to catch up with his life experiences of New Caledonia. Or just chat.
Three 16's got on the water about mid day, Mick and an unknown crew, Graham and Paul, and Scott and Simone. Graham & Paul made a spectacular return to the beach when the NorWester hit. The other two boats, returned with big smiles on their faces.

The main group of boats had made it to the beach only to be sat on to hold them down, before being de-rigged on the beach when the NW hit.
Then it was time to get the Waves rigged for some fun. Yes fast and furious - just ask our newest member Kayle, he didn't stop talking about the control or out of control ride he had. Wow!  The three boys were out to have a good time. Pat made an interesting stage left? Why Pat? Not long after Kayle was in and lucky Will had an out of controlled ditch but at-least he stayed with the Wave. All the way to the rescue part at the point. It was not until Scott and De were on their way out on the second Wave that they saw the second head of Kayle further out. Both Pat & Kayle enjoyed that sail.
There was a lot of questions asked about the Forster weekend. This is hear say Quinny did us proud. Pat with Upu said he came second infront of Mick, so a well done was my response but does Pat tell the truth?
Darryl and Sue enjoyed the weekend, Sue having the usual bruises to show off what a swing around the front of an hobie 18 will create. Darryl couldn't stop talking, if you go to one regatta it must be Forster! It has atmosphere as all the great old & young up and coming were there.

The rest of the motley group went over to Callalla Bay for an enjoyable weekend. That is Scott & Simone, Andrew & his crew. And others too many to remembered by this old sole. Sorry. I did hear that Tait and Kyle represented over there to, their dad Adam helped Scott out on that crowded beach front for space. The weekend was a success for the Callalla Bay Sailing Club.

So the rest of the afternoon was spent having a nice lunch prepared by three young girls. A few cold drinks and a slow completion of putting the boats back on their trailers. Sorry James, only a ride on the wave for your first return maybe next weekend, we all will be out there. 

It was also noted a one PS number plate was seen going along Elizabeth Drive with a new Hobie Wildcat. Bailey and Peter on Saturday joined a fleet of 16s on the water on Saturday arvo
- John & Clare, Peter & Nick, Mick & Pat and Andrew & Will. They were out there practicing for the World's by going on one tack for four minutes  in pairs then tacking to see which pair had the wind advantage? Peter said it was a surprise, the middle of the bay had the advantage, which had gone against his 18 experiences.  I think those 5 boat out there on Saturday had the best of the conditions. Envy is a virtu. They say.

For those that did hit the water on Sunday, it can be said they had a wild and wooly ride. It was noted those who didn't make it, were riding Ford or Holden home on the mountain.

See you next Sunday on JB.

Lady Hobie

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Navy Day

Fun day was had on Jervis Bay. The club shared it with the 8-10 Navy ships from a variety of visiting Countries. We all looked up into the Sky to watch the Navy Helicopter perform off the Point. During the races two Water Police went through on their Seadoo  ski-doo ,what ever they are called? The club also had a guest visit from the Tri Owned plastic boat oh its called a Getaway, however they were very unsocial, they only wanted to see Navy Boys?
Well back to Racing, John gave us  5 races on the day, where we had an offset buoy for all races. The two in the morning, where John made a special comment of “Over the lines by a certain youth boat” then “2 boats being recalled”
It could be said the current was running against us at the top mark. This sent a couple of boats for gybes to get back up to the mark., that was frustrating.  It was interesting to see the brotherly Fortier’s find enough wind to tip in after the second race?????
Congratulations to Howard, it was noted your boat completed all races on the day.
Thanks to the Pascoe Family for a great Lunch break, where we had a nice visit from the Skews family.
The afternoon did itself proud, the wind built up to 15 knots for the last race. The most interesting thing noticed was the amount of times the poor new buoys got underneath hauls or sideswiped by a number of different boats in different races, they stood up to the task, which is good to see. 
            Thanks to Andrew & Mick ( I think Pat did the pulling of the sand bags) for the great job they did on the boat ramp, a lot less stress when bring boats down & up.
Thanks’ to Donna, John and Adam for the start boat duty.  Except for to top mark in the morning was set so that the current or swell was running with greater pace than the on coming wind, which made it interesting for the novices, a few words were offered up to the Gods.
I’d like to wish the boats that go to Forster or Callalla , all the best. Do us all proud and come back with the trophies.
Special Wishes to the Newly Weds. We all know who you are. Have a nice Honeymoon.

Lady Hobie (with a little help from Big John)