Monday, November 25, 2013

What a day!

Families and friends on their chosen craft racing around the awesome Jervis Bay, with a moderate South to south east breeze that sometimes tricked even he most experienced local sailors. The fleet of 13 cats carved up the bay in 3 early races with frenzied activity at each of the starts. A compressed line made all competitors think about were best to position there attacks on each race. With some interesting attempts at dipping being trialed a bit of barging and bluffing practice as well can only mean one thing, its getting close to some serious cat racing on our wondrous bay. A quick look at the Hobie race calendar reveals that this coming weekend see's VSC hosting the Hobie state titles. 

So after a nice lunch break and a bit of friendly banter they all went back out for 2 more races. An interesting event took place at the start of race 4 two sound signals after the start, well from my position it was one of the funniest and scariest things I 've seen, disbelief , confusion and what do we do now all starring straight back at me the lone starter. GENERAL RECALL!!!  No way - not here not at Vinie! That hasn't happened in 30 years and Skewesy had nailed it, he thought the wild cat must travel faster then the speed of sound because he was gone, no turning back until a quick glance back reveled the unthinkable had happened. After I had gathered my thoughts we got the race under way with a great start and they all blasted away what a sight. Starting the last race of the day was as exciting as the rest of them  (I reckon Maca sets his alarm clock early as well) 

It was a great day's sailing plenty of positions changed during the day, some new crews out on the water, big smiles and lots of laughter. A big thanks to Maria who gave me a hand on the start boat in the early session.

Cheers Adam