Monday, December 15, 2014

The NorEaster took its time coming but was solid 15 to 20 during our race period 

The story of the day was Tait and Kyle - they had their boat dialled in and took 16 line honours in all 3 races. Andrew and Helen attacked hard in every race but the boys were just firing .  It took so much out of Andrew that he needed a Nanna Nap when he got home!

The rest of the fleet went round in very quick time and it is really great to see everyone getting faster and more confident in the big chop and wind that our NorEaster provides. I felt that everyone was racing rather than surviving.

D and Jordon get the prize for stack of the day . They were  50m from the finish pushing hard to stay in front of Tait when they trip the bows and cartwheeled

Thanks to Uncle Mick & MB for race duty and Bec for  the BBQ