Monday, February 23, 2015

Tea Bags

Today was another fantastic sailing day with a beautiful, slow building, NE.  All sailors enjoyed the 3 races (except Andrew "I have that sinking feeling" McKenzie) before our delicious lunch – special thanks to our chefs Rana and Scott.

Two more races after lunch which included a quick rescue of the Anderson boys after their rig fell down.  Bonus points to Skewsey and Brian for recovering from massive ‘teabags’.

Thank you from your Race Officers for the day.

Will and Pat

Monday, February 16, 2015

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

It was one of those laid back Vincentia Sundays on the weekend with a lot of talk, friendly banter and a light South Easterly just puffing through the heads. Duty crew Tait and Kyle were set the task of laying a course in a light and shifty breeze but with the expert help of Darryl and Jane got the job done and had racing underway by 1 o'clock.

Not all competitors made the first start, but those that did where greeted with a now freshening wind and got around the course in under 30 mins which was a great effort. Howard and crew Blake sailed very well to get Howard’s first handicap win! By that stage the rest of the fleet had come out to play and then it was back to the beach for lunch and Birthday celebrations, but not before Will showed his acrobatic prowess (or lack of)

Once again the duty crew cracked the whip and got the fleet out again in the now fading wind with a big left swing in the final race allowing the boats behind a second bite at the cherry. A great day was had by all and the start boat was even privileged to be joined by a pod of 30 dolphins with lots of babies as they collected the marks.