Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome Season 2012-13

A good number of VSC members were in attendance to the first sailing day of the new season, keen to catch up and sail, hardly surprising after a Autumn & Winter break of almost 5 months long. (For most of us the last sailing weekend was the one in Batemans Bay on 21+22/April.)

We were all reminded by the rather chilly weather conditions that it’s only 2 weeks into Spring, but luckily we were treated to a rather steady 15+ knots North Easterly, keeping all sailors busy enough to stop them from getting cold.

7 Teams were in attendance on the water, all of whom displayed exemplary courteous behaviour at the start of race#1, crossing the starting line a good 10 seconds late, allowing Hobie 16 skipper Patrick and his crew Nick and Joseph to get the first race of the Novice Skipper series nicely underway.

Results are coming soon so check them out for more details. A big thank you to Howard and several other volunteers for treating us all to a yummy bbq lunch, and thank you Graham for assisting with the on water race duties.

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