Monday, December 15, 2014

The NorEaster took its time coming but was solid 15 to 20 during our race period 

The story of the day was Tait and Kyle - they had their boat dialled in and took 16 line honours in all 3 races. Andrew and Helen attacked hard in every race but the boys were just firing .  It took so much out of Andrew that he needed a Nanna Nap when he got home!

The rest of the fleet went round in very quick time and it is really great to see everyone getting faster and more confident in the big chop and wind that our NorEaster provides. I felt that everyone was racing rather than surviving.

D and Jordon get the prize for stack of the day . They were  50m from the finish pushing hard to stay in front of Tait when they trip the bows and cartwheeled

Thanks to Uncle Mick & MB for race duty and Bec for  the BBQ  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

With a 10-12 knot South Easter, 10 boats started a four race day. The morning proved light and fluky winds with MB & Bonnie excelling in these conditions.
Peter & Bailey sailed fast and confirmed it’s not a good idea to rush when rigging up – there was a bit of re-rigging happening on the water.
Tait & Kyle dragged an anchor around in the morning but were able to come out of Race 3 with broad shoulders, making good decisions and finishing first over the line in the Hobie 16s.
Scott and Chloe showed signs of hot boat speed upwind and Chloe was looking good on the wire.
Kerry, Brian, Di & Jordan decided the start line was too short so took the pin mark for a ride. 
Egbert changed his crew a few times throughout the day with Blake proving to be an excellent new crew member on the wrong type of boat.
Nick & Clair are showing the fleet they’re the ones to be watching out for, they sailed well and are improving every week.
Will and Patrick blitzed it in Race 4 – as the saying goes, you’re only as good as your last race!
A huge thank you to Angela & Jase for their beautiful salads & BBQ. – they’re welcome anytime.
Overall, a good day had by all.

Todays results and the final series results are on the results page. Well done to Tait and Kyle for taking out the Spring Pointscore!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

14 boats on the water!

The day started overcast and with no wind. The south easterly filtering in at around 11. With  8 to 12 knots blowing, sailing got underway around 1pm. 3 races were sailed before a quick stop for a sausage then back out for 2 more before home time.  Every one had a great day on the water. Ella and Hannah did well to give me a hand on the start boat. Good job girls.

Regards Jake de Rooy

Sunday, October 19, 2014

As good as it gets

With a 15-20 NE today, it proved, as always, to be very eventful.
The day of racing managed to start at midday after the minor setback of the pin-end mark not standing up. Will, Oscar and I managed to get three races in before lunch. 
The second race proved to be a bit of problem with Jeremy and Andrew snapping the mast of Jeremy’s new “old” sixteen just after the start, seconds before the accident Andrew said that he was taking no responsibility if anything happened.
After lunch, we went out for two more quick races though just after the first race some unfortunate soul tipped over and his mast filled with water so the whole fleet went to save him. Our chief lifesaver, Kyle, rescued him and took him back to dry land while Andrew and Darryl sailed the WindRush back to shore but not without the help of the amazing start boat crew who put the boat upright once more.
Thankyou to the Quinn’s for their excellent job on BBQ and Oscar who helped us out on Poly. I think Mr Commodore missed out on a fun weekend. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Another day in Paradise

12 x Hobie 16’s , a sole 18 and the return of Egbert and Jess on the Taipan had a great day out

With a strong NE seabreeze forecast the fleet got going in the building wind and we ran 3 races before breaking for lunch

Racing was fast and tight. Close encounters and photo finishers were order of the day.

The Wind got a tad serious during the lunch break and it was decided the watching the V8’s get beat up at Bathurst was a better idea than beating up ourselves  

Great to see new members at the club. We hope that you all enjoyed the experience and we will being seeing lots more of you

We wish Adam a speedy recovery from a nasty leg gash sustained whilst abandoning ship