Sunday, October 19, 2014

As good as it gets

With a 15-20 NE today, it proved, as always, to be very eventful.
The day of racing managed to start at midday after the minor setback of the pin-end mark not standing up. Will, Oscar and I managed to get three races in before lunch. 
The second race proved to be a bit of problem with Jeremy and Andrew snapping the mast of Jeremy’s new “old” sixteen just after the start, seconds before the accident Andrew said that he was taking no responsibility if anything happened.
After lunch, we went out for two more quick races though just after the first race some unfortunate soul tipped over and his mast filled with water so the whole fleet went to save him. Our chief lifesaver, Kyle, rescued him and took him back to dry land while Andrew and Darryl sailed the WindRush back to shore but not without the help of the amazing start boat crew who put the boat upright once more.
Thankyou to the Quinn’s for their excellent job on BBQ and Oscar who helped us out on Poly. I think Mr Commodore missed out on a fun weekend. 

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