Monday, February 6, 2012

Three Series in a Row for the Dobinator

Racing on Sunday wrapped up the summer pointscore series with Peter Dobson and Fiona McCue taking out their third straight pointscore series win. In the hotly competitive series, only 3 points separated Dobbo from James 2nd and Andrew 3rd with Mick only 7 points behind. Three races were run with a nor-easter building during the afternoon. Andrew’s course made for exciting finishes with the finish line on the end of a couple of lengthy reaches. Line honours in both race 1 and 2 were taken by Egbert and Siebren on their Tiapan. After lunch, if the building nor-easter wasn’t enough excitement for everyone, John showed us all how to un-intentionally abandon ship, but skipper, crew and boat were quickly picked up and returned to shore. Race 3 got underway and showcased a couple of capsizes from Dobbo and James. The autumn poinstscore series begins next weekend so see you all on water then.

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