Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dolphins on Cue

After a season of spot on weather forecasts from seabreeze, we missed out on the predicted strong nor-easter on Sunday. The day started a promising breeze but faded during the afternoon as a misty rain set in. Dobbo and Fiona, keen to take the season clean-sweep, took line and handicap honours in both races 1 and 2. In between races, a pod of dolphins cruised through the starting area, riding bow-waves of hobie's and the dolphin watch boat.

After lunch, the breeze dropped and from a lucky port tack of the start, James and sailing debutante Emily, took out line honours in race 3. Looking comfortable with the tiller, Patrick guided Mick around the course all day and took out line honours in a one lap blast to finish racing off for the day.

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