Monday, March 26, 2012

Media Attraction at Vincentia Sailing Club

The enthusiasm of the six Hobie 16, one Taipan and two Hobie Wave sailors was a little light on as the morning presented itself a bit overcast and with little to no wind. Finally, after our Commodore taking well in excess of his normal time to rig, due to the media wanting to record his every movement for the day, one race was held in a light south easterly breeze. However, as this was such a slow race, all adjourned to the club house for our usual bbq lunch. The short break was just what the wind gods needed as the three races after lunch on the same course as the morning, saw the race times increase with each race. Was that the increasing wind, the improving skill of the sailors or had we all woken up. All races were seemly uneventful however each start provided entertainment for those on the start boat as some of the crews got tangled with each other after running out of start line. The day finished with an appearance from our playful pod of dolphins and Jervis Bay bathed in bright sunshine from blue skies.


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