Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fun Day on a Sunday

After a few weekends of wet weather, the sun popped it's head out for our march fun and recreation day. In a light easterly, the fleet took to a cruise in the bay until the breeze dropped in time for lunch. After lunch a nor-easter began to build and a short course was set. Without the start boat, a variation on the start line was adopted, which we caught on to after a while.

From all reports, it looks like fun over in the Philippines with Mick and Worsty representing Hobie at the 12th Philippine Hobie Challenge, Good luck for the rest of the week boys. Good luck also to Ebgert and Siebren who are competing at the Taipan National Titles this coming weekend.

For those not travelling away sailing, we are helping out with the Shark Bait Swim this Sunday morning. It's an early start so the more hands the merrier.

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